Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Legendary Weapons

Hey there, YGO Community,

I told you all that I'd try to post more frequently, so here we are. Normally I choose one card and talk about it at length, but I want to try something different today. I'm going to briefly touch on a few cards that have recently fluctuated in price. Without much further ado, let's jump right into this.

The Black Stone of Legend - This card is seeing a reprint in the Legendary Joey Deck as an Ultra, but the MSRP of the decks will probably help it maintain some semblance of value, but if I had them, I would be dumping them with the swiftness. Get the $18-20 you can now instead of the $10 that you will be getting in the future.

Book of Eclipse - Super rare copies of this card are sitting right around $6 right now, if I had to guess, it's probably because of people getting ready to fight ABC and Blue-Eyes. This card has been $10+ before for the Commons/Starfoils because of it outing the Djinn lock in Nekroz, so I wouldn't be surprised to see it being that Look at Swords of Concealing Light for example, the card went from actual beans to $8+ for the Ultra literally overnight and the Ulti went through the roof, hitting $40+ for the 1st Ed copies.

Coach King Giantrainer - This card is $8+ because of the hype surrounding the 12 Beasts deck or whatever it's called. I'm sure you all saw the Maxx "C" vs Terrortop video, so you know how explosive the deck can be. I honestly don't know exactly know all the plays, but I can't wait to get blown out by the deck when it comes out. I know that if the deck can consistently summon this card, it's probably pretty strong.

Fire Formation - Tensu - This card's price is another product of the hype surrounding the new Beast Warrior deck coming out. The card was only printed foil once and is obviously strong in that deck, so I wouldn't be surprised if it holds a price tag, not $45, but $10-20? Definitely.

The Hidden City - There are only two copies for less than $20 on TCGPlayer. I assume it's because people are expecting the new support to break the deck, since, ya know, the last two TCG-exclusive archetypes have been tier 1. The deck hasn't had any cards leaked as of me writing this article, but by the time you read this, it might. I think that at $20, if you don't have too much into them, flip them, but if you want to play the deck because it has big, smashy monsters, keep them.

SPYRAL Super Agent - See The Hidden City, except there has been a card spoiled for it, just today. I'm not a pro and you don't come here for theorioh, you come here to make a little profit, so I'll let you all to evaluate it for yourself.

The White Stone of Ancients - This card is getting a reprint in the Legendary Kaiba Deck, see The Black Stone of Legend.

Have a card that you think deserves some consideration?
Hit me up via social media to let me know. If I write about it, I'll drop you some credit in the article.

Twitter: @SparkConfidant
Instagram: @DontKnowHow2Lose
Reddit: BigTymeJuice

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Keep the juice flowing,

Friday, September 9, 2016

Glad You Came

Hey there, YGO Community,

I know, I know, it's been forever since I've posted anything and the last thing I did post wasn't great. I've been dealing with some bullshit in my personal life. I struggle with depression and it can make it pretty hard to get anything done. I had an entire article typed up about the Bunbuku spike, called Rac(Coon) Racc City, but ended up deleting it because I didn't feel like it was good enough or anyone would wanna read it. And when I woke up the next day, literally everyone had already covered it. But I'm back and I wanna try to keep bringing you guys some content. I can't promise any kind of schedule, but I do love doing this and I'll keep doing my damnedest to bring you all something you some knowledge that you can hopefully make some money from. I want to thank my friend Louie Orem for making me realize just how much I loved doing this by starting his own YugiTube channel, YGO Juice Bros. I can't make any promises, but I think there might be some sick collabs between the two of us in the future.

Now that I got that boring stuff out of the way, we can talk about the real reason you're all here: the Market Watch. So, it was recently announced that a character on Arc V would be playing Gladiator Beasts and that there was some new support. This implies that there would be more real world support for the deck and the thing that always happens when they announce legacy support happened, the existing cards went up in price. I'm aware that the deck is available in low rarities, but I specifically want to talk about the high rarity versions of cards: CP and TU holos and BATT promo Gyzarus.

Gladiator Beast Bestiari - This card is the heart and soul of the deck, is needed to summon Gyzarus, the Twin Twister on a body, and was limited to 1 for years after the deck was hit. CP7 copies have always been pricey, but now $45 is the cheapest on TCGPlayer.

Gladiator Beast Gyzarus - There are copies of the set foil and gold for beans, but if you're gonna play the deck, you know you want to play the super juice version. These were only available to winners of the Battle Pack Tournaments at YCS's, so they're super limited.

Gladiator Beast Laquari - The highest attack level 4 monster in the deck and needed to summon the strongest boss monster in the deck, Heraklinos. There is one copy from TU5 for $13, then after that, they're $40.

Gladiator Beast Heraklinos - Barkion/Beast wrapped into one big ass fusion, provided you have enough cards to discard. There is one LP copy for $9.50, and after that, they're $25.

I don't know exactly how good the deck will be, but I know that many Yugi players, myself included, will try to break the deck. Based off of this, I made a spec buy this week. I purchased many copies of the card Gladiator Taming. If the deck ends up being good, this card will absolutely destroy the mirror, snatch your dude, contact fuse, attack, tag again. The card is actually good against other matchups too because you can change the position of their guy, rumble into it, take a little damage, and get a tag into your answer. Players pay life for everything nowdays, why not to answer problematic cards? The card is also a secret rare from 5 years ago and has never been reprinted. And at like $0.55 per, you can't really neg.

Have a card that you think deserves some consideration?
Hit me up via social media to let me know. If I write about it, I'll drop you some credit in the article.

Twitter: @SparkConfidant
Instagram: @DontKnowHow2Lose
Reddit: BigTymeJuice

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Consider turning AdBlock off while you read. I know, ads suck and I'd be lying if I said that I never use AdBlock, but the minute amount of revenue from the ads does help support this.

Keep the juice flowing,

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Hey, guys and gals. This is a quick update post to let y'all know how I'm doing and why I've been absent as of late. So, I got a warehouse job to help fund BigTymeJuice and I've been hella busy with the job. And once I got my invite, I just started focusing all my extra energy on MTG, since the new set dropped. I just dropped down to part-time so that I can focus more on BTJ and start writing again, so hopefully you'll be seeing a whole lot more of me in the next couple'a weeks. But that's enough of that boring stuff, let's get down to why you are really here, the market watch update.

I want to thank my good friend, Daniel Misner for hitting me up and letting me know about this card. This week's update is about a card that I've always loved and tried (unsuccessfully) to make work. This was not the case for a player at this weekend's YCS. That card, of course, is Sky Scourge Norleras! Super copies of that card are like $22 currently and NM Ulti copies are nonexistent, with the only listing on TCGPlayer being a LP copy for $30. This card was damn-near a bulk foil until this weekend when it shot through the roof. My advice is, as usual, if you have copies of this card, ship them now. The card is cute and super fun and powerful when it goes off, but it's a pain in the ass to set up.

I'm gonna keep this one short and sweet, but there should be more in the near future.

Have a card that you think deserves some consideration?
Hit me up via social media to let me know. If I write about it, I'll drop you some credit in the article.

Twitter: @SparkConfidant
Reddit: BigTymeJuice

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Consider turning AdBlock off while you read. I know, ads suck and I'd be lying if I said that I never use AdBlock, but the minute amount of revenue from the ads does help support this.

Keep the juice flowing,